Dungeons. Dragons. Graph paper. Funny dice.

D is for Door Knocker

Door knockers have been popular since antiquity. Some have abstract or purely functional designs, but many are figurative.

door knocker as satyr face with ring in teetch

Common motifs include foxes, fish, lions, or fantastical beasts. Lion door knockers typically hold a ring in their mouths, with the mouth used as a hinge, and the ring striking against a plate in the door.

lion door knocker missing ring

Somewhere deep in the dungeon is a door that can’t be opened by any obvious mundane or magical means. The door bears the figurative brass head of a beast with a gaping mouth.

The door will only open if its matching brass ring (hidden elsewhere in the dungeon) is inserted into the beast’s mouth, and used to knock on the door.

The thing on the other side of the door is the reason someone went to the trouble of removing the brass ring and locking the door in this manner. Beware!

lion door knocker with ring

(This is for the A-Z Blogger Challenge.)

Thanks to Richard Kelland, Tim Whitlow, and Ilaria Caterina for creating the Creative Commons photos used in this post.


Dylan April 5, 2011 at 10:56 PM

Very cool! Made me think of the door knockers in the movie Labyrinth.

C’nor (Outermost_Toe) April 5, 2011 at 11:59 PM


Same here.

David April 6, 2011 at 9:41 PM

Great post! I bet there are a number of other magical knockers that you could come up with.

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