Dungeons. Dragons. Graph paper. Funny dice.

Rolling ability scores

James Maliszewski made a post about ability score generation. These days, I favor the 3d6-in-order method. You could give players the option of using an inverted bell curve to satisfy their inner min-maxer without out resorting to any sort of point-buys or dice swapping:

Dice Roll (3d6) Ability Score Probability
3 11 0.5%
4 12 1.4%
5 13 2.8%
6 14 4.6%
7 15 6.9%
8 16 9.7%
9 17 11.6%
10 18 12.5%
11 3 12.5%
12 4 11.6%
13 5 9.7%
14 6 6.9%
15 7 4.6%
16 8 2.8%
17 9 1.4%
18 10 0.5%

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