Use a treasure trade-out system similar to that presented in Swords & Wizardry.
These chances stack/overlap. Take a treasure worth 5,000 gp, for example. It gives a 10% chance to roll on the 5,000 gp table and five 10% chances to roll on the 1,000 gp table and fifty 10% chances to roll on the 100 gp table.
For large treasures, rather than rolling many times for magic items, we can use the expected value of a binomial random variable — i.e., the probability (10%) times the number of rolls.
How may minor magic items might be in a 2,000 gp treasure? 2000 ÷ 100 = 20, so we expect a 2,000 gp treasure to yield two minor magic items.
>>> (2000/100) * .1
Take an 18,500 gp treasure as another example. That yields nineteen minor items, two medium items, and 16,400 gp of non-magical treasure.
>>> (18500 / 100) * .1
>>> (18500 / 100) * .1
>>> (18500 / 1000) * .1
>>> (18500 / 5000) * .1
>>> 18500 - (19 * 100) - (2 * 100)
The following Labyrinth Lord potions originated in the 1974 rules.
d100 | Potion | d100 | Potion |
01–04 | Animal Control | 48–51 | Healing |
05–08 | Clairvoyance | 52–55 | Heroism |
09–11 | Clairaudience | 56–59 | Human Control |
12–13 | Delusion | 60–63 | Invisibility |
14–17 | Diminuation | 64–67 | Invulnerability |
18–21 | Dragon Control | 68–71 | Levitation |
22–23 | ESP | 72–75 | Longevity |
24–27 | Fire Resistance | 76–79 | Plant Control |
28–31 | Flying | 80–84 | Poison |
32–35 | Gaseous Form | 85–90 | Polymorph |
36–39 | Giant Control | 89–92 | Speed |
40–43 | Giant Strength | 91–96 | Treasure Finding |
44–47 | Growth | 97–00 | Undead Control |
The following Labyrinth Lord miscellaneous magic items originated in the 1974 rules.
d100 | Misc. Magic Item |
01–03 | Amulet vs. Crystal Balls and ESP |
04–08 | Bag of Holding |
09–13 | Boots of Levitation |
14–18 | Boots of Speed |
19–23 | Boots of Traveling and Leaping |
24 | Bowl Commanding Water Elementals |
25 | Brazier Commanding Fire Elementals |
26–30 | Broom of Flying |
31 | Censer Controlling Air Elementals |
32–35 | Crystal Ball |
36–37 | Crystal Ball with Clairaudience |
38 | Crystal Ball with ESP |
39–41 | Displacer Cloak |
42 | Drums of Panic |
43–44 | Efreet Bottle |
45–53 | Elven Cloak and Boots |
54 | Flying Carpet |
55–61 | Gauntlets of Ogre Power |
62–63 | Girdle of Giant Strength |
64–74 | Helm of Alignment Changing |
75–79 | Helm of Comprehend Languages and Reading Magic |
80–82 | Helm of Telepathy |
83 | Helm of Teleportation |
84 | Horn of Blasting |
85–89 | Medallion of Thoughts |
90–92 | Medallion of Thoughts (9′) |
93 | Mirror of Life Trapping |
94–99 | Scarab of Protection from Evil High Priests |
100 | Stone Controlling Earth Elementals |