Quick Reference


Light Source Distance Duration
Candle 10′ radius 6 turns
Torch 40′ radius 6 turns
Lantern 30′ radius 24 turns
Bullseye Lantern 80′ cone 24 turns


  1. Surprise? Base chance of 1–2 in 6. Roll for both sides.
  2. Encounter distance (if not dictated by environment) is the sum of surprise rolls × 10′.
  3. Anyone surprised stands frozen for a turn. Anyone not surprised declares an action:
  4. Check monster (re)action with any situational modifiers
  5. Roll initiative (d6 per side)
  6. Repeat each turn as appropriate:
    1. Check morale of non-player characters, hirelings, monsters
    2. Missile fire
    3. Melee

Monster (Re)actions

Monster reactions may be modified by the situation, rumors about the player characters, bribes, player character charisma, allegiances or antipathies with other dungeon factions, etc.

2d6 Monster (Re)action
2–6 Hostile — immediate attack!
7–9 Uncertain, wait and see (possibly receptive to bribes), or ignore PC’s
10–12 Positive, possibly even helpful


Henchman Loyalty Score Morale Check Modifier
3 or less Malcontent. Desertion or betrayal inevitable.
4–5 -2
6–8 -1
9–12 0
13–15 +1
16–17 +2
18+ Always stalwart. Morale never waivers.

Attack Bonus

Level Fighters Monsters Clerics, Magic-Users, Elves
1 +2 +1 +1
2 +3 +2 +1
3 +4 +3 +1
4 +5 +4 +2
5 +6 +5 +2
6 +7 +6 +2
7 +8 +7 +3
8 +9 +8 +3
9+ +10 +9 +3



At <= 0 hp roll Death or Dismemberment (d12 - hit point deficit).

d12 Death or Dismemberment Result
<=1 Save or die. Success leaves the character unconscious at 0 hp.
2 Leg lopped away. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.
3 Arm chopped off. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.
4 Hand severed. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.
5 Nose snipped off. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.
6–7 Eye plucked out. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.
8–9 Ear cut off. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.
10–12 Finger lost. Character stabilizes at 1 hp.

Re-roll if already fully dismembered in the way described.

Armor, Encumbrance, Wandering Monsters

Armor AC Movement Rate Wandering Monster Odds
Naked 10 180′ 1 in 6
Shield only 11 180′ 1 in 6
Leather armor 12 120′ 2 in 6
Leather & shield 13 120′ 2 in 6
Chain mail 15 90′ 3 in 6
Chain & shield 16 90′ 3 in 6
Plate mail 18 60′ 4 in 6
Plate & shield 19 60′ 4 in 6
+Encumbered 30′ 5 in 6

Armor Class Conversion

Ascending AC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Descending AC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Evasion and Pursuit

Players chasing monsters:

Monsters chasing players:

Saving Throws

To make a save, the target must equal or exceed its saving throw score with a d20 roll.

Level/HD Saving Throw
1–3 14
4–7 12
8–11 9
12+ 6

Ability Score Bonuses

Score Modifier
3 -3
4–5 -2
6–8 -1
9–12 0
13–15 +1
16–17 +2
18 +3

Class Abilities